Author Fair Recap/Going Dark

Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the S.T. Hoover Power Hour!
Ok, it’s only a blog post.
I’m sorry I lied.
But anyway, I wanted to write up a fairly “serious” post about the recent author fair I attended, and also talk about where things stand with Michael Ridding.
As some of you know, I recently attended the Stark County District Library’s Local Authors Fair, which was the first event I ever attended as an author. Most of you know the story of how it happened, but for a quick recap, Faryl was set up to attend the fair, and when she brought me up during the process, they asked if I would come along. I didn’t intend to do any events until the book was actually published, but after talking with those in charge of organizing the event, I felt confident in going to promote my upcoming novel and meet other local authors.
To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. My mind tends to think the worst will always happen–and what that would have been, I don’t know. Luckily, I didn’t find out.
While it was a small event, it was something I now see I needed to do.
I brought along a hardback “prototype” of the book along with some information about it, and I teased my next book as well. People really seemed to respond to the new cover and book details in a positive light. I had some good, long conversations with potential readers and other local authors, and it was overall a very positive and rewarding experience. I had no idea so many talented authors lived in the area (nearly 40 authors signed up for the event), and I hope their introduction to me was a good one. I’ve always known I don’t quite fit the usual “author” mold, but nonetheless, I wasn’t looked down upon for that. People seemed to accept me, authors and attendees alike, which I will admit was one of my greater fears. I was worried that I wouldn’t be looked at as an equal, possibly for who I am, or because I didn’t have a book out yet. Luckily, neither were the case. I felt overwhelmingly accepted and understood at the event, and I can’t wait to go back again.
While I don’t typically give advice, since I feel as such a new author that would be inappropriate, I do feel safe in saying this: If you have an opportunity like I did, where you know the book will be out or already is out, no matter the size or scope of the event, do it so long as it’s reputable. Not all of them are, so do your research. But even this little library event, for how small it was, made all the difference, and I felt it every time I talked with an author or reader. Even if no one attended the event, I think the authors would have been more than fine mingling and talking amongst themselves, and for the first time in my life, I felt like one of them. I felt professional–more professional than all the posting and tweeting in the world will ever make me feel. So if you’re asked or you want to attend, and you have the book(s) (or some form or writing) to back yourself up, definitely look into events like the one I attended. It’ll be worth it if you know what you’re doing.
Now, onto another topic, Michael Ridding updates.
As it says in the title, I plan on going dark when Michael comes in. This means no Facebook, website or Tumblr until my edits are complete. Twitter may still see some action since it’s a quick and easy platform to work with. But everything else will probably be pushed aside so I can finish the book.
My plan is that over April, I run through the line edits and begin the copyediting process. I have a copyeditor on standby who is eagerly awaiting the manuscript, and as I finish it, she will get to work and make sure it all looks spiffy.
The novel is almost done. I feel confident in saying it will be out this summer, and if I can, I will get it out as early as May (cross all those fingers and toes).
Other than that, things are moving along. I have two other novels I’m currently saving money to have edited, but for now, my focus is on Michael. This book’s waited a long time to see readers, but I don’t want to rush the process. Still, I’ll have enough to keep myself busy after it’s wrapped up, and hopefully, we will see a second novel release in 2017 (cross all those finger and toes again, just don’t hurt yourself. K? K.)
I suppose that’s all for now. As of this update, I plan to go dark and finish the book. The edits could come in tonight, a week from now, or longer. Regardless, I need a rest before I review them, which I plan to start taking after this posts, and continue until the edits arrive. We’ll let fate decide how long that will be.
Thanks for reading my ramblings and I hope to see you all again in a little over a month with some cool news.
Thanks again for reading, I’ll see you in time.

-S.T. Hoover


P.S. Incase you missed it, you can find the new cover on the “Books” page or on the “Michael Ridding” page.