Welcome to STHoover.com!

Hello everyone, and welcome to STHoover.com, where all things S.T. Hoover will happen.

How late am I doing this?

Pretty late, I know.

Work on Michael Ridding, which is now with the editor for the last time, was one of many factors that halted this site’s creation. Only after catching up on a few other projects do I find myself with (barely) enough spare time to finish the site.

So, what’s going to happen here?

Well, I plan for this site to be the central hub for all news, updates and anything else relating to my books. I’ll update as often as I can, but as I’ve stressed before, my priority is getting books to you, the readers, not wasting time on the Internet.

But regardless, all the info you’ll need about me and my works should be here. Information on my upcoming projects, news and updates, and pretty much everything else will go here first and foremost, only being posted on social media later (usually the same day.)

Before I leave you to explore, I should point out that the site is pretty barren right now. For the moment, I don’t have much to show, but I should in the next few months as projects continue to gain momentum. Also, we tried for months to work out an email newsletter and several site emails, but the process has proved far too temperamental. We are still working behind the scenes to get those features working, but again, my focus is getting books to you.

For now, have a look around. You might find a few surprises…

-S.T. Hoover