Mini-Review: Messiah (TV Show)

An intriguing pseudo-supernatural thriller I quite enjoyed.

The show addresses a question that I think any religious person, or even someone with a casual interest in religion, has asked themselves time and time again: How would we react, in the modern day, if Jesus Christ returned?

Now, I don’t believe the main character is ever directly referred to as the J-Man, but the point is clear. Over the course of the show, he repeats miracles and even comes up with some new ones, but people seemingly debunk him at every turn. Over the course of the show, you really don’t know if he’s the hero or the villain, and I loved that back-and-forth that would no doubt occur today.

Notably, the show was cancelled, possibly for political correctness reasons that we don’t need to go into. However, you do get an ending to the story. At least, in my opinion. Honestly, when the show ended, I didn’t want to see any more. They ended it perfectly.

There are a few slow episodes, but overall, I enjoyed the show and would highly recommend it.

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